Thursday, July 17, 2014

Slappy Is Missing !

Slappy is still missing since 2013, never return after we let him out for his routine roaming. Unlike Bukpeel who is more obedient, Slappy is rebellious. No matter where you are right now, hope you're safe and sound !

the dead cicak (lizard) pose..

(Porky's Cavern, Malacca, Malaysia)

Dimitri The Cat Dog

Dimitry Antonov, the dog that is a cat to us.. Lazy-ing in her mansion, comfy makes her sleepy.


(Porky's Cavern, Malacca, Malaysia)

Muar Cats

And these are our findings from the recent trip to Muar in the state of Johor. They're lepaking (loitering) near the Tanjung Emas food court..

WTF !, you caught me by surprise !

i'm scheming to conquer the world.. (cat version of Semos)

ok ok, let's go down again..

hey ! the feline annual meeting !

please, read my face, please..

(Muar Town, Johor Baru, Malaysia)

The ComeBack Cats !

Nope, this blog is not dead. Yup, was idle for few years but it is STILL ALIVE because there are so many cats out there that want to be posted.. here we go.. let's start with Bukpil who is now 4+ human years old.. here is him from old post Young Bukpil .

i'm growing bigger than my bed..

manjalitis is my specialty

its so nice to sleep on a comfy bed on a rainy Saturday afternoon..

(Porky's Cavern, Malacca, Malaysia)